You know, a lot of crap is spouted by the ‘media’ about
feral youth and uncaring youngsters etc., and whilst I am sure there are areas
of inner cities that are terrorised by these groups, I am constantly unsurprised
by just how caring and kind this much maligned section of society is. Since
starting teaching in the 16+ sector, these teens (and up) have consistently
brought me joy, happiness and pride.
I have seen them starting as shy first years in their
first week of induction, where they are thrown together with others who have
nothing in common apart from their age and the subject they want (or are made
to) study. Then I’ve witnessed them
blossoming away from the somewhat constricting typical school system. Some of
them blossom a wee bit too much away from the discipline and have to be reined
in slightly, but never stifled. Then the magic of the first summer holiday
happens and they return somehow magically transformed into mature (mostly)
young adults, ready to take their first steps into employment or onto higher
education. I love being their UCAS referee as I get to read their personal statements
which give me more insight into their dreams and aspirations. Then comes their
joy at being offered that treasured (un)conditional offer or the offer of a
trainee position, or an advanced apprenticeship. Then the realisation that they
now have to really buckle down and get the rest of their work up to the desired
I know I’m probably on a soapbox now and I do tend to
talk too much about ‘my’ students, but then I do have the luxury of being in a
job I love, surrounded by amazing colleagues and these great kids(sorry; young
adults) and I was vindicated somewhat
today by a really lovely gesture from one group of students
I’m giving up work on Friday, before I start the
gruelling business of getting down to beating Terry the Tumour and I won’t see
my 2nd years now, apart from the ones I’ve added to my social
networks and I’ve been giving ‘farewell’ tutorials to them this week. Today I
was surprised when I was presented with this little lot:
They have conspired with other teachers and themselves to
hold a collection and get the presents; apparently they were hidden in the
staffroom under my nose at lunchtime, and I have to tell you, reading the card
brought me so close to tears. I did succumb at home when I re-read it in
private. So if any of 2B are reading this (probably not) then thank you so much;
you’ve really made it all worth it!
Back to the medical stuff now( yawn); I had my pre-op
assessment yesterday, where I was poked with needles again, wired up to ECGs,
had my BMI done(I didn’t dare look) and my CO levels taken. Apparently cutting down the fags is working as
I’ve dropped from a level 4(in 2010) ‘highly addicted’, to a level 2; #’frequent
smoker’. I get my nicotine replacement therapy on Friday and as of Saturday; I
will be a non-smoker (gulp!). Then my consultant; the wonderful Lucie Jones,
measured me up for my new implant and took my consent for the operation next
week. It really feels real now and I’m glad I’ve had this time to adjust and
say goodbye to my left boob as I know it. I’m going to lose a good third off
the bottom of it and I’m going to have to wear a chicken fillet to make sure it’s
even in a bra until I have the other one reduced to match sometime next year. The silver lining though is that I can buy
pretty bras without spending a fortune in Bravissimo as I’ll probably go down
to a B or C cup from an unfeasibly heavy E cup.
I also lost 2 of my nails this week in a frenzy of Amazon
Black Friday parcel unwrapping so have to have a major cut-down, which is
probably a good thing as I won’t be spiking my scars with them!!
I’m wearing 2 coats of Nails Inc. Portchester Square here
and I think it suits the new shorter length?
Sorry for the long post. I’ll try to do a shorter one
next time and then there’ll probably be a break when I have my op.
Elise XX
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